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Royal College of Nursing responds to latest NHS England workforce sickness data

Press Release 29/09/2022

Responding to the latest NHS England workforce sickness absence data, RCN Director for England, Patricia Marquis, said:

“That a quarter of all days lost to sickness in England’s NHS are due to stress, anxiety and depression speaks volumes about the unrelenting pressure nursing is under.

“That figure rose 4.3% between April and May – the latest figure available – at a time when traditionally the pressure on health and care eases slightly.

“Those pressures are now all-year round and that does not bode well as we approach the winter flu season and the prospect of a resurgence of COVID-19.

“There are a record 47,000 unfilled nursing posts in England’s NHS, with the rest of the country in a similar position, and the Government has done nothing to address the nursing workforce crisis which is putting patients at risk.

“That’s why nursing is now considering strike action. We are launching our ballot to 300,000 members next week.”


Notes to editors

NHS England data published today shows that in May 2022, 127,709 fte days were lost due to anxiety/stress/depression or other psychiatric illnesses which is 23.3% of fte days lost to all reasons compared to 19% in April 2022