RCN Hampshire AGM Event
Hybrid event including coroners' reports session
24 Sep 2024, 12:00 - 16:00
Choose event information:
Hybrid branch AGM event for all Hampshire members.
You can attend this event in person or virtually - please select which option when booking.
If you are attending in person the event will start at 12.00pm and will include lunch and networking. If you are attending virtually the event will start at 1pm.
Please see full agenda below.
1:00pm - Welcome and introductions - Anita McBride, Branch Chair
1:10pm - 'Coroners' inquests: understanding this process and the expectations of you as a healthcare professional' - Judith Leach, Head of Legal Services (Barrister), Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
2:20pm - Report from the Branch Chair: to agree the minutes of the previous AGM, update on any actions or matters arising, branch activity over the last 12 months, self-assessment of current year’s branch annual plan and social media update - Anita McBride, Branch Chair
2:35pm - Report from Branch Treasurer: branch financial update and register of branch assets - Wendy Phillips, Branch Treasurer
2.40pm - Ratification of RCN Accredited Representatives and election of Branch Committee Members - Gillian Edmond, RCN Officer /Returning Officer
3.00pm - Update on Independent and Social Care - Rian Gleave, RCN South East Lead Nurse for Independent Health and Social Care
3.30pm - Any other business - All
What is an AGM?
Your Branch AGM is the perfect time to review the year and plan activities for the coming year. It is an opportunity to welcome new members and decide on a committee structure. Any member of a branch can stand for one of the governance roles and if a role is contested an election may be held.
Governance roles
Each Branch must have a chair, treasurer and secretary. What these roles involve is set out here.
Taking on one of these roles is a brilliant opportunity to gain some personal development and you will be supported by the RCN when you start. If you are interested in one of these roles, please let the newbury.office@rcn.org.uk know before the AGM.
If you are an accredited rep, the AGM is the time when the branch will decide to retain your accreditation, or in some rare cases, disaccredit you. For this reason, it is important you make every effort to attend.
For more information please contact:
Newbury Office
Wessex Film and Sound Archive Centre
Sussex Street
SO23 8TH
These are several council car parks nearby including City Council Car Parks: Gladstone Street, Tower Street and Worthy Lane. There are also four Park and Ride car parks. The buses from all Park and Ride car park stop outside the railway station.
Page last updated - 02/09/2024