RCN Northern Ireland Networks
Join one or more of our forums and networks and make a vital contribution to the professional voice of the RCN
Royal College of Nursing Northern Ireland (RCN NI) Networks consist of RCN registered nurse, nursing student, healthcare assistant and nursing assistant members from Northern Ireland with an interest in a specific field or area of nursing.
Networks are a member led supportive function aiming to:
- build member led supportive connections with colleagues who share an interest in a specific filed or area of nursing
- support professional development and enhance evidence-based practice through learning and sharing ideas
- use the expert nursing voice to influence regional and national health and social care strategy and policy development
- promote the role and raise awareness of the particular field or area of nursing
- contribute to the national RCN agenda in the context of the particular field or area of nursing
- develop and maintain communication links with key people in organisations such as education providers, HSC Trusts, NIPEC, PHA, SPPG, Government Departments, NMC and other agencies
- develop and maintain links with the associated RCN National Forum
Networks do this through varied and innovative activities, including seminars, workshops & conferences, responding to formal Department of Health policy consultations, visibility at various nursing events, and developing their own publications.
There are currently 16 networks supported by an RCN NI member of staff. We will soon be introducing a self-registration process but in the meantime if you are interested in joining any of the networks below, please contact the relevant staff link.
If you do not see your area of interest
represented and you would like to establish and lead an RCN NI network for that
particular area of nursing, please contact Rosaline Kelly, Networks Lead rosaline.kelly@rcn.org.uk
Before you can join an RCN Northern Ireland Network, you should first register with the relevant RCN UK Forum via www.rcn.org.uk/get-involved/forums.
Page last updated - 13/05/2024