RCN West Midlands Region
Serving RCN members and the nursing profession in the West Midlands.
The RCN West Midlands region provides support, advice and representation on employment and professional matters to nurses, nursing associates, health care support workers and nursing students in Birmingham and the surrounding area, the Black Country, Coventry and Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire.
Our services to members and the nursing profession are delivered by staff based at our Birmingham office, accredited RCN representatives in NHS and independent sector workplaces throughout the region and local RCN branch activists.
Please make sure your membership details are up to date so that you can receive services, support and information that is relevant to you. You can do this by logging into MyRCN.
Contacting RCN West Midlands
Email: westmidlands.region@rcn.org.uk
Telephone: 0345 772 6100
RCN West Midlands Regional Office, Lyndon House, 58-62 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PE (Please note there is no on-site parking for visitors to the office. Parking is available nearby at the Plough and Harrow Hotel - charges apply)
Join today
- Join now for professional support and other benefits
Local events, conferences and branch meetings
The Royal College of Nursing hosts a wide variety of events across the West Midlands, from Local Learning Events and branch meetings to networking events and conferences.

Branches are made up of all RCN members in a geographic area. They help organise RCN activities in their area and provide opportunities for members to participate in and shape the work of the RCN.

Page last updated - 24/07/2022