Employment Relations
The RCN works with a range of organisations and our members in providing high quality care to patients and clients.
We understand the complex business environment and the specific demands of organisations delivering services in the health and social care sector. The RCN is always keen to work with organisations to explore how we can work in partnership to improve your service delivery and the workplace environment.
In addition to the many organisations the RCN works with in the public sector, we already work with more than 50 organisations in the independent sector. We also have strategic relationships with government departments across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, in addition to active political alliances throughout Europe and internationally.
We are a professional trade union and will work with you to develop policies and procedures that are appropriate for your entire workforce. We are responsive to the changing demands of your service. We will bring a professional and nursing dimension to your workplace which will enable a flow of information and resources to the employer at no cost, while your staff keep abreast of developments in best nursing practice.
Partnerships benefit staff and patients
Partnerships between employers and trade unions have been shown to bring better communication, improved customer satisfaction, fewer disciplinaries, lower sickness absence, lower staff turnover, better training, staff involvement in implementing change and much more.
This all contributes to a better environment for all staff and patients, as well as financial and productivity benefits for your organisation. You will discover that some of your business costs will be reduced through improved efficiency and performance.
For more information, read an overview of how the RCN can support your business here.
Additional information on the different types of formal partnerships with the RCN which can benefit you and your employees as well as your patients or clients can be found in Employment Partnerships.
Contact us
If you'd like to discuss your options in more detail, contact Clare Jacobs, National Officer for Independent Sector Employers, on 020 7409 3333 or email clare.jacobs@rcn.org.uk.
Contact us
Page last updated - 16/04/2024