Use this guide to find information resources about dementia including books, reports and journal articles.
Key Resources

This toolkit supports health and social care professionals working with people from BAME communities, such as translated information, examples of good practice, and outreach projects.
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The Herbert Protocol is form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person can fill in. It contains a list of information to help the police if the person goes missing.
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Eating and drinking with acknowledged risks refers to the decision to continue eating and drinking despite the associated risks from having dysphagia. These risks may refer to aspiration, malnutrition, dehydration and choking. This publication is endorsed by the RCN.
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Personal memoir of Wendy Mitchell who was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 58.
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Recommended helpful reading and digital resources for people living with dementia. There are also books for family, friends and carers
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Book subject searches
Journal articles

A large number of care home residents have a nursing background or were in receipt of nursing care during the 1950s and 1960s. The Case of Memories is a district nurse case, based on one from the 1950s/1960s and contains replicas of the items used at that time. It is designed to be used in care homes as part of facilitated reminiscence with residents and those who are important to them.
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Video resources about dementia, many of which were produced by community groups in the UK.
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Caroline Lynch
Editor of this guide
RCN Library and Museum
Upcoming events relating to this subject guide
13 Mar 2025
RCN Wales Roundtable for the Independent Sector - 'Unlocking Continuing Professional Development Opportunities in Rural Practice'
RCN Wales will be hosting an in-person roundtable discussion on 'Unlocking Continuing Professional Development Opportunities in Rural Practice', in West Wales. This event will also provide an opportunity to network with other colleagues based within the Independent Sector to share stories and your unique experiences of working in Wales. This event is open to both RCN members and non-members who work in Wales in the Independent Health and Social Care sector.
Page last updated - 17/09/2024