The Scottish government’s pay offer relates to all staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions employed by the NHS in Scotland. The pay offer follows weeks of negotiations between the RCN, other health trade unions, the Scottish government and NHS employers. The offer is for a consolidated 5.5% increase with effect from 1 April 2024 for all NHS Scotland staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions.
Read the new NHS pay offer in full and find out what it means for you.
If the majority of members vote to accept the offer, RCN Scotland would confirm to the Scottish Government the RCN’s position. The RCN would seek implementation of the offer as soon as possible. We would hope that the 5.5% increase would be applied to salaries from October 2024. It would be backdated to 1 April 2024 and the backdated element of the offer would be paid as soon as possible.
If the offer is accepted all staff working for NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change terms and conditions would receive the increase.
The RCN entered into negotiations with Scottish government looking to secure a significant, fair pay rise for our members. As part of our preparations for the negotiation we considered the so-called ‘fiscal drag’ that sees people being drawn into higher tax bands as a result of pay increases and the impact the higher rate has (payable on the proportion of income over the higher rate threshold of £43,663). This, and a host of other factors, are used to inform our negotiating position and helped us push the Scottish government to offer a pay deal that is higher than their agreed public sector pay policy. You, our members, will decide if this offer meets your expectations.
This offer applies to staff employed by NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change terms and conditions, this includes those working on staff bank contracts. If accepted all staff working for NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change terms and conditions would receive the increase.
Yes, if the offer is accepted you will be entitled to back pay up to the time you left employment. You should speak to your payroll department once the outcome of the consultation has been confirmed. If you have retired this may impact your pension and a mechanism will be put in place to inform SPPA.
Your pay is determined by your employer and not by the Scottish government. The Scottish government’s pay offer relates to staff working for NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change terms and conditions. However, many independent health and social care employers use NHS pay as a benchmark in setting pay. Increases in NHS pay often lead to increases in pay in other parts of the health and care sector.
The Scottish government must invest in nursing, not just in the NHS, but all services and settings where nursing care is delivered. The RCN has always called for pay parity between the NHS and every other health and social care setting. We continue to support members employed in independent health and social care settings to seek appropriate recognition in their pay and working conditions in respect of the complex, expert care they deliver.
To ensure you receive information and updates that matter to you, it’s important we know where you work. Visit MyRCN to make sure your details are correct.
We have raised this with the Scottish government as we are aware that the payment of a lump sum for the backdated element could have an impact on members who are in receipt of some means tested benefits. We are pushing Scottish government and employers to set up a system to members can opt to have their back pay paid in instalments.
Both UK government and Welsh government have announced that they accept the NHS Pay Review Body recommendation for a 5.5% increase for NHS staff. In addition to the increase, the PRB recommendations include adding intermediate pay points at Agenda for Change Bands 8a and above.
This is a pay award and not an offer, meaning that members working across all bands will receive the pay increase in their pay packets later this year
RCN members in England are being consulted on whether or not they accept the pay award. The consultation closes at midday on 16 September.
RCN Wales Board and the RCN Trade Union Committee are considering the award in detail and decide on the next steps for members.
The RCN expects the 5.5% Agenda for Change pay award announced in England will be implemented in full in Northern Ireland. We await confirmation from the Northern Ireland Department of Health as clarity is required regarding the funding of the award in Northern Ireland.