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Ana's story


In this video Ana talks about becoming unwell, sickness absence and returning to work with adjustments. 

Key points: 

  • Ana has had different reasonable adjustments as she has needed them; it's important to review adjustments to ensure they remain effective. 
  • Having open discussions with her manager, with RCN support, was a good approach for Ana.
  • Ana used Access to Work which is a government scheme. 
  • Ana finds that her lived experience of disability enhances her patient care. 

Hear more from Ana's manager, Head of Nursing and RCN Officer below. 

As Ana's line manager, Lucy was a key support. Here Lucy shares the challenges and how she overcame them through collaborative working. 

Key points:

  • Lucy sought advice from Occupational Health and other stakeholders.
  • Considering wider service needs helped adjust Ana's role.
  • A creative, positive and flexible approach contributed to success.
  • Retaining Ana has had benefits for the team and patients.


Michelle is Head of Nursing at Lane Fox Remeo. Here she reflects on the process of supporting Ana, including considering risk and how the RCN helped.

Key points:

  • Ana's role now is benefiting the whole team.
  • "Think outside of the box", considering wider team needs.
  • Ana's role continues to develop.
  • Be honest about what won't work in terms of risk for everyone's safety.
  • Inclusive role design is effective because it considers individual needs and strengths. 

As an RCN Officer, Cathy supported Ana throughout her conversations with management and HR.

Key points:

  • Consider all perspectives and acknowledge constraints.
  • Early intervention from Occupational Health and services like Access to Work can really help.
  • By working together, a great outcome was secured for Ana.