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Are you ballot ready?

Martin Macgregor 30 Aug 2022

I’ve been taken aback by the reaction from members to the news that we are to be balloting for strike action. The significant level of turnout and support for action was clear from our recent ballot result.

Martin Macgregor

I’m now hearing a buzz in corridors, wards and across all NHS services that we are ready to take this difficult and historic step. We need to stand up for our patients and our profession. 
Nursing staff have always been hesitant to consider industrial action but things have never been so bad. Something has to change for our concerns over patient safety, staff wellbeing and the very future of our NHS to be heard. 

For years we have been overlooked and undervalued. Expected to carry on regardless. But members are telling us it isn’t safe, for patients or staff.
Our pay has been held down as the cost of living has soared. With inflation projected to hit over 18%, many more nursing staff will be facing the daily battle of how to feed their family, heat their home and travel to their work. Just the other day, I was shocked and saddened when speaking to a registered nurse who was telling me that they were working additional bank shifts, so they could afford to pay for fuel for their car. This is our opportunity to say that enough is enough and, we all need to be ballot ready. 
So please take the following steps: 

  • Check - an industrial action ballot has to take place by post. Make sure your postal address, employer, workplace and job category are up to date on MyRCN – it takes less than 5 minutes to check.
  • Learn – find out more about how a strike will run and the steps we would take to protect patients and members.  Read our industrial action handbook and FAQs.
  • Talk - we are all the voice of nursing, each and every one of us. Use time with your colleagues, loved ones, your own social media channels and networks, to talk about the impact that low pay has on you. Order materials and sign up to be a Voting Volunteer to encourage others to use their vote.

Finally – when the time comes – be ready to vote. I know many of us have got out of the habit of receiving and sending post but please look out for the ballot paper coming through your door around the 16 September, fill it out and post it straight back - you won’t even need a stamp. This is your chance to have your voice heard. Please use it, let’s hear our nursing profession ROA

Martin Macgregor

Martin Macgregor

Vice Chair of Scottish Board

Page last updated - 28/01/2023