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How can we invigorate membership of our forum?

Joanna Holland and Oonagh McCloy 27 May 2022

The Perioperative Forum committee recently recruited a number of new members, each bringing their own diverse skill set and experience to the group. We are excited by the opportunity that this presents to re-focus the aim and priorities of the forum, expanding our reach to have maximum impact and benefit for our members.

As a committee, we have recently been discussing the ideas and projects that we would like to develop over the terms of our office. We have lots of ideas about ways that we can support our members and progress perioperative practice.

Our early discussions have focused on a how we fundamentally define “perioperative” as a group. Should we keep a traditional definition of perioperative to define the boundaries of our membership (anaesthetic, theatre, recovery), or encompass a broader definition and welcome a newer, expanded membership into the fold?

Here, we’d like to share some of our thoughts, before opening the discussion to you – the experts.

Thoughts on widening our definition of “perioperative staff”:

  • We have much to learn about the patient’s surgical journey through collaboration with wider staff groups (surgical ward nurses, community nurses, specialist nurses). The inclusiveness of staff from each area could help staff understand each part of the perioperative journey and therefore increase confidence in educating their patients. It could help patients transition with ease into each phase of their perioperative journey thereby ensuring we provide continuity in care that is effective and efficient ,with the patient at the centre.
  • Working in silos is recognised as problematic across the health service, therefore we need to mindful when increasing our reach – that it will be beneficial to our members and patients
  • Collaboration is viewed as a key element to the process of service improvement. Whole-pathway collaboration is considered beneficial to meeting patient need and design high quality care- and is the focus of the latest in perioperative guidelines.
  • There is power and momentum in numbers (and expertise). To have maximum impact on shaping future priorities for perioperative care, a broader membership could open up new opportunities and forge new links to ensure the nursing voice is heard at national level

Thoughts on maintaining a traditional definition of “perioperative staff”:

  • The anaesthetic, scrub and recovery nursing workforce are usually forgotten by patients (the anaesthesia doesn’t help!) and overlooked by hospital managers – this forum could be a louder voice to support this staff group
  • Other forums exist for different specialities, but this forum has a unique purpose to represent the distinct needs of theatre/pre-op assessment/day surgery/post-operative recovery personnel.
  • Perioperative practice is rapidly changing. Whilst nursing associates have been part of the nursing family for a while, their roles in theatre are relatively new, and this requires focused attention from the forum as a priority.

What are your thoughts? Please share them! We are keen to use any ideas generated here to inform the priorities of our work and consider ways to best support our members over the challenging times ahead.

All the best,

Perioperative forum committee members

Page last updated - 25/10/2022