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Introducing Eve Adams to the cadet team

Eve Adams 13 Jun 2022

My name is Eve Adams and I have been involved with the RCN Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet Scheme for just over two years.

My role as an Educational Supporter has been on-line through Microsoft Teams due to the pandemic (a massive learning curve for us all!) covering the nonclinical aspects of the programme.

It has been nothing short of fantastic to see the scheme expand over the past two years, to see the creation of the cadet Alumni and to hear of the many successes of the cadets. They are progressing so well in their careers and have become such inspiring role models to those following in their footsteps.

I have always felt privileged to have been asked to be part of the scheme and I am looking forward to meeting and working with future cohorts in a more face to face role and to be witness to further successful outcomes.

Eve Adams headshot

Eve Adams

RCN Prince of Wales Educational Supporter

Page last updated - 12/11/2022