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Nurses’ Day message from Fiona Devlin, RCN Northern Ireland Board Chair

Fiona Devlin 12 May 2022

International Nurses’ Day has traditionally been a day that we celebrate. We celebrate our profession, and we celebrate the enormous contribution we make to patients and healthcare more widely. 

The past two Nurses’ Days have had a different meaning – there was more a feeling of reflection rather than celebration – reflection on what we had been through as well as remembering patients and colleagues who had been so affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We also reflected enormously on the part that each and every member of nursing staff played in these unprecedented times.

Today the RCN is starting a national conversation about the ‘Best of Nursing’. A recent poll showed that the public believe nursing staff make the biggest contribution to society (16%) – this was followed by doctors and teachers (both at 12%). However, seven in 10 say there are too few nurses to provide safe care – something I think we can all agree on. We’ve been highlighting the shortage of nursing staff for years – workforce planning and safe staffing were top priorities in our recent election manifesto. Today, the RCN is calling for safe staffing to be addressed by both safe staffing legislation (which we are still waiting for in Northern Ireland) as well as comprehensive and fully funded workforce plans.

The public know that nursing staff go above and beyond in all that they do and this is an opportunity to remind politicians everywhere that they must begin to take responsibility for the current situation and start to take measures to turn it around.

However, despite all of the difficulties we face, I would encourage everyone to take time out to both celebrate our profession and reflect on the ‘Best of Nursing’ and the significant contribution we can make now and in the future. On what is also Florence Nightingale’s birthday, I’ll leave you with her words: “Unless we are making progress in our nursing every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back”.

Wishing you a very Happy Nurses’ Day.

Fiona Devlin

Fiona Devlin

RCN Northern Ireland Board Chair

Page last updated - 10/10/2022