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RCN donates £100k to support the emergency response in Ukraine

6 Jun 2022

The contribution to the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Ukraine health emergency appeal will help treat patients wounded by the conflict or in need of vital care.

WHO donation

The RCN donation will help those displaced in Ukraine and the surrounding countries who need access to health care, whether in response to the war, to prevent disease outbreaks, or for care in situations such as childbirth.

Led by RCN Council, the decision was taken to fund WHO after seeking expert advice on the most effective way to help and to ensure alignment to the mission of the College.

WHO is working with partners to rapidly respond to the health emergency triggered by the war. They deliver specialised medical supplies, coordinate the deployment of medical teams, and work with health authorities to minimise disruption to the delivery of critical health care services within Ukraine and in countries hosting refugees.

There are 6.6 million refugees outside of Ukraine and 8 million internally displaced people. Since the war began, there have been 8,691 civilian casualties and 3,998 civilian deaths in Ukraine.

BJ Waltho, Chair of RCN Congress and a member of RCN Council, said: “We’re pleased to announce this vital donation, which will provide funds where they’re needed most. It’s guaranteed to be spent on health care provision in Ukraine and on supporting nursing staff still working there, who are in all our thoughts as this brutal war rages on.”

In her speech at the RCN’s annual Congress today, RCN General Secretary & Chief Executive Pat Cullen said: “Nursing is part of the world’s greatest drive for equality. Our challenges are global and we must play our part in resolving those. Together, we are quite simply stronger. 

“Members, on your behalf, we are making a large donation – worth the annual subscription fees of 500 members – to support health care in Ukraine and to its refugees. And we join in the condemnation of these war crimes and attacks on health workers.” 

Anil Soni, CEO of the WHO Foundation, said: “I would like to thank the Royal College of Nursing for its generous support of our Ukraine health emergency appeal. The conflict has forced Ukrainian health workers including nurses to adopt new ways of working and going over and above the call of duty, saving lives while risking their own to protect and treat their patients. 

“Your donation helps support the unique role of WHO inside Ukraine, delivering health services and vital supplies including the provision of medicines, medical supplies and urgent trauma and life-saving care. On behalf of nurses across the country of Ukraine I would like to acknowledge and commend the solidarity that you are demonstrating through your support of the WHO’s Ukraine health emergency appeal.”

In Ukraine, most pharmacies are closed, and hundreds of hospitals are in war zones or barely staffed. Find out more about the Ukraine health emergency appeal

Page last updated - 04/11/2022