Independent governance review 2020
The report into the governance of the Royal College of Nursing by the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) has been completed and released.
The review was called for by a resolution from Congress 2019.
Jacqui McKinlay, Chief Executive of the Centre for Public Scrutiny, recorded a short video.
The CfPS observed Council, Committee, Board meetings and participated in online discussion groups. CfPS also conducted a survey of all RCN members which received 2,844 responses.
The origins of the review and the process followed
At RCN Congress 2019, members called for a review of RCN governance arrangements.
RCN Council set the terms of reference for the review and appointed the Centre for Public Scrutiny.
The aim of the review was to ensure that the RCN's members:
- have good oversight of the organisation's strategy and the process for key decisions
- have the opportunity to influence and shape their organisation
- are assured of openness and transparency
- find its structures fit for purpose.
How we heard from members
- From early February, all members of the RCN were invited to complete a survey that closed Monday 16 March. The responses were sent directly to CfPS.
- Individual members were offered interviews.
- CfPS heard directly from members at country and regional boards.
- A cross-section of members holding RCN Council, committee or other governance roles were interviewed.
- Six online focus groups were offered in March.