Our structure
The groups and teams that make up our governance structure
We're governed by the elected members who make up our Council, committees and boards. They represent our members and work alongside the Executive Team who are responsible for delivering our strategic and operational plans.
Our Executive Team
Our Executive Team is responsible for delivering our strategic and operational plans.
It is made up of 10 senior members of staff, including the General Secretary and Chief Executive, 4 country Directors and operational Directors.

Council is made up of 17 elected members who work on behalf of our members to:
- set strategy and direction
- monitor performance to ensure accountability
- promote engagement with members and stakeholders
- ensure we adhere to our policies and regulations.
They receive advice from the committees and boards, who also carry out work on their behalf.

Committees and groups
Our committees and groups advise Council and carry out work on its behalf.
The Professional Nursing Committee and Trade Union Committee are decision making committees who are accountable to Council.
The representative committees ensure the views of their members inform and influence decisions taken by Council and the boards.

Each country and region has a board which advises and supports their director and carries out work delegated to them by Council.

RCN Group members
RCNi is a wholly owned, independently run, subsidiary of the Royal College of Nursing.
The company's aim is to provide an essential nursing resource, inspiring and informing the whole nursing team to deliver best practice and exceptional patient care.
Its board of directors is legally accountable for ensuring that it meets its statutory obligations and to the RCN Council for the management of the business.
RCN Foundation
The RCN Foundation is an independent charity that supports the needs of nurses, midwives and health care assistants as well as nursing students.
As a registered charity it helps nursing staff develop their practice so they can provide the best possible advice, support and care to patients. It also helps members of the nursing team in times of need, providing the extra support they may need to get their lives back on track.
Its board of trustees is legally accountable to the Charity Commission for the overall running of the organisation.