Have your say
Take part in our consultations, ballots, surveys and elections
Find opportunities to share your views on nursing issues.
Remember, not all opportunities to have your say can take place online. Statutory ballots about industrial action, as well as elections for Council, President and Deputy President, must take place by post. In those cases, if you're eligible to vote, we'll let you know by email and our independent election partner will send you your voting papers in the post using the information on your MyRCN record.
You must be an RCN member and meet our eligibility criteria to vote in our consultations, ballots and elections.
Vote on your pay
Vote in NHS ballots and consultations
There are currently no open NHS ballots or consultations.
Vote in independent health and social care ballots and consultations
Vote in our consultation on the 2024-25 pay offer from Erskine.

Vote for your leaders
Vote for Council members
Voting has closed and results have been announced.
Vote for the next RCN President and Deputy President
Voting has closed and results have been announced.

Vote on issues
Vote on annual general meeting resolutions
There are no resolutions to vote on at this time. See what members voted on at our 2024 AGM.
Vote on extraordinary general meeting resolutions
There are no resolutions to vote on at this time.
Vote on policy consultations

Share your experiences
- Take part in Sensemaker
- Complete our NHS 10 Year Health Plan survey
- Complete our agency working survey
- Complete our tackling homelessness survey
- Complete our survey on the impact of corridor care across the UK
Look out for our Last Shift survey, our Employment survey and our Student survey in 2025.
We may also email you with smaller surveys throughout the year.

Not getting important emails from us?
We'll always email you if you're eligible to vote in a consultation or ballot, or on a resolution.
Please check your MyRCN record to make sure we have up-to-date details for you.