Jo's research - supporting neurodivergent students
Jo is an adult nurse lecturer who is currently undertaking a PhD researching 'What are the experiences of autistic student nurses and how do we facilitate success'. She is also leading a Health Education England funded project: 'creating enabling environments for autistic student nurses'. In this video Jo discusses her research projects with Holly, the RCN's Disability Officer.
Key points:
- Although the focus is on autistic student nurses, the learning can benefit all students needing reasonable adjustments
- Jo is working with autistic students to deliver her research
- The medical model can be a damaging factor in healthcare (around 4mins 20)
- Neurodivergent healthcare professionals bring new insight in to roles (around 7 mins)
- Jo also talks about getting reasonable adjustments on placement (from around 13 mins) and what to do when getting support in place is proving difficult (from around 25 mins)
Jo is happy to be contacted about her research by email

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