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Nursing Workforce Standards

Nursing Workforce Standards Champions

Standards Champions

Standards Champions are individuals who have made positive workplace changes by using the RCN Nursing Workforce Standards. 

Here you will find out what the role of a Standards Champion is, and how to become one.

The role of a Standards Champion is to:

  • support workplace improvements
  • share success and promote best practice
  • raise concerns when the Standards are not met
  • work with an RCN representative, local RCN branches and RCN staff in promoting and using the Standards
  • be part of the network of Standards Champions who support others, promote best practice, and work with organisations to implement the Standards in practice
  • attend quarterly meetings for updates, support, and networking. 

How to become a Standards Champion at a glance

  1. Sign up to be a Standards Champion. You will receive an email from us shortly after signing up and a member of the RCN Staffing for Safe & Effective Care (SSEC) team will be in touch with you to discuss next steps.
  2. Work through the Standards Checklists to identify any improvement work that you can undertake in your workplace.
  3. Once you have done this work, tell the RCN by downloading and completing the Self-Nomination Form, and be formerly endorsed as a Standards Champion.

Complete the Expression of Interest Form below and tell the RCN that you want to be a Nursing Workforce Standards Champion.

Become a Nursing Workforce Standards Champion

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