Lauren's story
Lauren is a registered adult nurse. She is also autistic and has EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and depression.
Key points:
- Lauren received her Autism, EUPD and PTSD diagnoses after she started her nursing degree. She has some great tips for managing placements when you have a disability or are neurodiverse.
- Lauren's strengths enhance her nursing roles - she gets in to the detail and is patient focused, harnessing her lived experience to improve care.
- Low cost adjustments such as role flexing, flexibility with timings and having quite space/time help Lauren at work.
- Additionally Lauren has identified that part time work suits her health needs best.
- A supportive line manager has made all the difference for Lauren. Her top tip for employers is to simply take time to listen to staff and ask what adjustments would help.
- To colleagues, Lauren suggests that knowing when to take time off to support your health is a key skill for staying in work.
- Lauren is a member of the RCN's peer support service and recommends it for feeling less isolated when ill health or disability are causing challenges for members.

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