Also known as ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition), ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
This page looks at adjustments and strategies that can assist autistic healthcare professionals.
Effects / difficulties
- Difficulty interpreting verbal and non-verbal language eg tone of voice and facial expressions
- Literal in understanding of language
- Difficulty reading other people
- Sensory sensitivities
- Repetitive/routine behaviours
- Anxiety
(National Autistic Society 2016)
- Attention to detail
- Good at following and developing protocols and guidelines
- Can view things from a different perspective
- Problem solving skills

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- Sensory breaks in exams and in practice
- Separate room for exams
- Additional meetings prior to transition from one area of practice to another
- Mentor
- Study skills support
- Turn off/reduce background noise in online meetings
- Longer library loans
Students should expect that their university and placement providers provide reasonable adjustments. Further support can also be accessed through Disabled Students Allowance.
- Where possible a quieter space to perform duties.
- Consideration of lighting, sounds including announcements
- In some situations, use of headphones (eg. for desk work in open plan offices)
- Use of an agreed form to aid the capture of tasks
- Time to go through rules and expectations when starting a new role
Employers should make reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010. These may be subsidised by the government scheme Access to Work which provides non medical help (including coaching, transport) as well as equipment, based on a workplace assessment.
Reasonable adjustments should also be provided during recruitment processes.
See the Peer Support Service's Health Ability Passport guide for more information on reasonable adjustments.
- Consider any sensory sensitivities especially around noise/ lighting.
- May need adjustments around clothing if sensitive to seams and labels etc.