Our work
Discover what the RCN Neuroscience Forum is working on now and what we're planning for the future
How we represent forum members
- Promoting best practice in neuroscience, including epilepsy, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and long-term neurological conditions.
- Promoting the nature, scope and value of neuroscience nursing.
- Educating nurses, HCAs and APs and improving the quality of compassionate patient care.
- Influencing changes in neuroscience that will benefit both patients and nurses.
Our strategy
- Representing all members of the forum, and all of the different specialities they work in.
- Attending key events in order to ensure that the voice of the neuroscience nurse is heard.
- Working with relevant stakeholders and organisations.
- Developing key resources which demonstrate best practice.
What we are currently working on
Recent activity
- Neuroscience forum annual report 2024
- UK Career Framework for Stroke Nurses. This resource outlines the range of career pathways within stroke nursing and minimum recommended education requirements, in addition to knowledge and skills. It provides a guide for stroke services and employers to develop local career development frameworks for the nursing workforce.
- In partnership with the MND Association, we delivered our 4th Annual Hawking MND lecture on 25 November 2020, as an entirely virtual event due to the pandemic. Over 1,000 participants attended the MND lecture.
Leading, collaborating, influencing
The RCN and its forums are invited to participate in many cross working and multidisciplinary workstreams. Below are a selection of some of the activities that members of the Neuroscience Forum are involved in on your behalf.
- The National Neurosciences Advisory Group (NNAG). We have a representative on this group.
- Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) neurology workstream. We contributed to the development of the Neurological National Specialty Report (publication due soon).
- Faculty of Pain Medicine (2015) Core standards for pain management services in the UK. London: Royal College of Anaesthetists.
The RCN is the voice of nursing, and is invited to contribute to many consultations. These are some of the recent consultations that the Neuroscience Forum has been involved in.
- NICE guideline (NG127) (July 2019). Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral.
- Surveillance review proposal (January 2019) of NICE clinical guideline CG162 (June 2013). Stroke rehabilitation in adults.
- NICE quality standard (QS164) (February 2018). Parkinson's disease.
- NICE quality standard (QS144) (March 2017). Care of dying adults in the last days of life.
Get involved
Page last updated - 13/02/2025