Rheumatology Nursing Forum
The largest professional forum for nurses and health care professionals working in the field of rheumatology
British Society for Rheumatology membership offer
Join the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) and save 50% on your first year of membership*. Contact membership@rheumatology.org.uk for your unique code or visit the website today.
*this offer is only available to nurses who are joining BSR for the first time.
If anyone is joining to attend the Specialist Rheumatology Nurses course next month in Birmingham, they can contact us for a code and join with a 50% discount and apply for a bursary of up to £300.
Survey on specialist nurse work practices
Please could you take time to answer this questionnaire regarding your working practices and job plan. This is a collaboration of the BSR and RCN with the aim to produce job planning guidance for Rheumatology nurses across the four nations, and continued workforce review given to clinical and nonclinical activity.


Library subject guide
Further resources
- RCN. Biologic Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) and Targeted-Synthetic DMARDs.
- British Society for Rheumatology. Job Planning Guidance for Rheumatology Specialist Nurses
- Administering Subcutaneous Methotrexate for Inflammatory Arthritis (2021).This updated RCN guidance provides the background information regarding subcutaneous methotrexate as an educational resource for practitioners, with particular reference to safety and best practice.
- Rheumatoid arthritis in adults: management (NICE, 2020).
- A competency framework for rheumatology nurses (2024).
- The RCN provides a range of clinical advice and support to help nurses and health care professionals. Topics of interest to rheumatology nurses include clinical governance, eHealth, medicines management, patient safety and human factors and older people.
- Celebrating Women's History Month
- The Prime Minister has no place left to hide
- Responses to questions raised by members at Congress
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