Women's Health Forum
Advocating for women's health and for the professionals delivering that health care
What we do
Making sense of women's health

Library subject guide
Further resources
Clinical leadership in gynaecology
Clinical leadership in gynaecology is a key role in supporting Woman’s Health care in acute settings. This role is diverse, and there is a new national Matrons Network, which can help in developing this role. Find out how to access support and contact with others in this role.
UK wide resources
- Department of Health and Social Care (2022) Women’s Health Strategy England.
- Scottish Government (2021) Women’s health plan Scotland.
- Welsh Parliament (2023). Women’s health in Wales - Women’s health in Wales: Welsh Government yet to implement women and girls’ health plan and Welsh Government (2022) The Quality Statement for women and girls’ health.
- Department of Health, Northern Ireland (2024) Women’s Health plan Minister Swann outlines Women’s Health Action Plan.
Further resources
- Joint RCN and UKCAT webinar. Transforming care for transgender patients
- Queens Nursing Institute. Inequalities in Sexual Health and the Urgency of the FSRH Hatfield Vision.
- Leaving No-One Behind. The role of the nursing profession in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the UK (2021)
- RCN clinical topics: Women's health and Pregnancy and Disability.
- RCN publication. Managing the Disposal of Pregnancy Remains: RCN guidance for nursing and midwifery practice.
Telemedical Abortion Care
News and views
Join the RCN Women's Health Forum Facebook Group
I joined the RCN Women’s Health Forum Committee 3 years ago because I firmly believe in the positive power of nursing to impact on women’s lives. I wanted to be part of campaigning for change, ensuring that nurses influence and shape healthcare policy for women.
On the committee, I work with some incredibly talented nurses who share my passion for women’s health. I always leave our meetings feeling optimistic and enthused. I have learned so much working on guidelines and resources like our Women’s Health pocket guides, and it has really enhanced my personal nursing practice.
I have had some amazing opportunities to represent the RCN on a national level ensuring that our nursing contribution is valued and our nursing knowledge is used. The forum is a fantastic channel to advocate for women and influence the political agenda.
I would encourage any nurse with an interest in Women’s health to join the forum. You will be part of a vibrant community that shares your values. It will open up a rich source of learning and will support you in your quest for nursing excellence.