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23 blog posts
  • Esther Kuria Esther Kuria 29 Feb 2024

    Listening event on the Hughes report publication

    The Hughes report follows a review by Baroness Cumberlege (‘First do no harm’ 2020), commissioned by Mr Jeremy Hunt when he was Health Minister, that separately reviewed outcomes of three historical health interventions - pelvic mesh, sodium valproate & Primodos. One of the outcomes from the Cumberlege report was to appoint a Patient Safety Commissioner who would take forward the recommendations from the Cumberlege review.

  • Anonymous Anonymous 28 Feb 2024


    This blog has been submitted by a member who wishes to remain anonymous, for reasons that will become clear as you read it. Bullying is a common phenomenon for nurses, with around a quarter of the nursing family experiencing bullying in the past year. This blog highlights my personal experience of “gaslighting” - a specific type of bullying, and how I am gradually recovering from this.

  • Anne Howard Anne Howard 22 Feb 2024

    Male Factor Fertility publication

    This blog explores the recent publication from the Fertility Nursing Forum focusing on male factor fertility. We also focus on the collaboration of specialist team members to write the document.

  • Emma Ayling Emma Ayling 14 Nov 2023

    Pregnancy Loss Review

    Emma Ayling reflects on the impact of the report on early pregnancy care.

  • Niki Konsta Niki Konsta 23 Oct 2023

    ESHRE: Let’s dive into Fertility Wonderland

    ESHRE conferences bring together professionals from various disciplines. By attending ESHRE, fertility nurses equip themselves with the tools and knowledge necessary to provide the highest quality care to their patients, while contributing to the advancement of the field as a whole. 

  • Stephen Jones Stephen Jones 2 Oct 2023

    Potentially unlawful substitution of mental health and learning disabilities nurses in UK in-patient services –the realities on the ground

    The RCN has received reports from several members expressing concerns regarding the substitution of registered learning disabilities and mental health nurses with registered adult and children's nurses, as well as allied health professionals, in an attempt to fill nursing vacancies in in-patient mental health services.

  • Olajumoke Isaiah Olajumoke Isaiah 28 Sep 2023

    Awareness of mental well-being for nurses working in palliative care

    This blog raises awareness of the importance of promoting mental well-being, which is essential given the increase in work pressures in healthcare systems, high levels of nursing shortage and the impact on patient care and outcomes.

  • Catherine Barlow Catherine Barlow 22 Sep 2023

    Maternal Medicine Networks

    This blog looks at Maternal Medicine Networks which have been introduced to reduce the incidence of maternal deaths from indirect causes.

  • Francesca Steyn Francesca Steyn 11 Sep 2023

    Why join the RCN and British Fertility Society as a nurse member

    By becoming a member of the British Fertility Society and the RCN, you gain access to diverse avenues for continuous learning and development.

  • Martin Galligan Martin Galligan 4 Sep 2023

    Pain Awareness Month 2023

    September is global Pain Awareness Month and is an excellent opportunity to access a range of free resources related to all aspects of pain assessment and management.