Royal College of Nursing Representing nurses and nursing, promoting excellence in practice, shaping health policies

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Our strategy and how we represent members

How we represent forum members

Here is the annual report for the RCN Learning Disability Forum Steering Committee prepared November 2018.

  • Headlines of this report include:
    - Emergency resolution passed at Congress calling upon RCN Council to take urgent action to preserve the field of Learning Disability Nursing
    - Liaisons with politicians about the importance of Learning Disability Nursing
    - Hosting the launch event for Mencap’s “Treat me Well” campaign
    - Hosting a Learning Disability Nursing summit
    - Campaigning regarding the decline in Learning Disability Nursing numbers
    Read the full report here

The RCN Learning Disability Forum Steering Committee met on 27th March 2019 to set our strategy for the year ahead.

  • Key actions include:
    - Produce and distribute an animation to attract young people to a career as a Learning Disability Nurse
    - Ensure the forum is represented at Congress and there are fringe items from the forum
    - Celebrating 100 years of Learning Disability Nursing
    - Exhibition of Learning Disability Nursing with RCN Archives
    - Work with RCN Foundation re grants for Learning Disability Nursing
    - Continue to support Foundation of Nursing Studies “Celebrate Me” project
    - Survey/census to identify where RNLDs are employed
    - Continue to raise political profile
    - Update forum web pages
    See the full minutes, including reports, here

Page last updated - 16/02/2020