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How to undertake a HEeADSSS assessment in a young person

05 Jun 2024, 08:00 - 08:45

  • 1B, ICC Wales, Coldra Woods, Newport, NP18 1HQ
Hosted by: RCN Advanced Nurse Practitioner Forum

Asking adolescents questions regarding their health and wellbeing can be a daunting task. The session will describe and demonstrate how the HEaDSSS assessment tool and framework can be effectively used to engage with a young person and assess the risks faced by them. It will demonstrate how sensitive topics can be addressed whilst clearly indicating what confidentiality means before the consultation begins and how to communicate this.

The session will focus on assessment of the Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer related Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/depression and Safety from injury and violence with demonstrations of how to effectively communicate and build a rapport with a young person before delving into more personal and potentially embarrassing aspects of their lives.

Learning outcomes include:

  • describing what a HEeADSSS assessment tool is
  • demonstrating how to undertake a HEeADSSS assessment with a young person
  • discussing confidentiality in relation to a HEeADSSS assessment.

The session is aimed at all delegates.

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ICC Wales
Coldra Woods
NP18 1HQ

Page last updated - 08/12/2024