Pain and Palliative Care Forum
About the Pain and Palliative Care Forum
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- Communicate with colleagues within your speciality and get peer support when you need it most
- Share good practice and improve nursing care
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Pain and Palliative Care Forum Podcasts and Webinars
Why normalising grief in healthcare is important
In this podcast, Martin talks with Kate Price, the Lead Nurse for Retention at Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust. Kate shares her experience of setting up a restorative and reflective space where staff can share their thoughts and feelings about death and dying.
"Sharp Scratch" - Exploring the lived experience of procedure-related pain.
In this podcast, Sandra Campbell is joined by Felicia Cox and Paul Gowen as they share their lived experiences of procedural-related pain whilst undergoing cancer treatment. Please note that this podcast explores their personal experiences of having cancer treatment and their experiences of pain whilst having various procedures.
Delivering person centred care in a palliative setting
In this podcast members from the pain and palliative care forum discuss how we can adopt a person-centred approach within a palliative setting. The panel explore what a person-centred approach looks like, the challenges of embedding this in practice and share their experience in how you change your practice to focus on a person-centred approach.
Difficult Conversations
Meet the forum leads and watch the session on Difficult Conversations 30 March 2023. Download the webinar recording and powerpoint.
Introduction to Neuropathic Pain
In this podcast members from the pain and palliative care forum and the neurosciences forum share their experience and knowledge regarding the assessment and management of neuropathic pain across different patient groups. For more information regarding the nursing assessment of neuropathic pain please read this article: Galligan M (2023) Exploring the prevalence, characteristics and nursing assessment of neuropathic pain. Nursing Standard.

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